
ISTD Dance Examinations:

‘The examination structure of the ISTD is designed to cater equally for those who wish to progress to making dance their profession, either as a performer or dance teacher and for those pursuing dance purely as a leisure activity.
The Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD) is one of the world’s leading dance examination boards. From Ballet to Ballroom, they have 12 dance faculties covering Theatre, Dancesport and Social Dance.
Since 1904 they have provided training for dance teachers and examiners, enabling teachers to enter their students for examinations, develop new techniques and spread the joy of dance.

(Source ISTD)

Acrobatic Arts Examinations: 

‘The Acrobatic Arts examination process is designed to motivate dancers. Having defined and achievable goals is a proven way to motivate dancers to excel. Dancers work through twelve exam levels, each designed to create a well-balanced acrobat, including elements of flexibility, strength, balance, limbering and tumbling. ‘

Examiners evaluate dancers against a set universal standard, allowing dancers and teachers to see where the dancer stands globally.

(Source Acrobatic Arts)

LCME Musical Theatre Examinations: 

‘The London College of Music Examinations syllabus is designed to prepare students for the graded examinations in Musical Theatre awarded by the University of West London Qualifications.
It provides a structured approach that enables students to progressively master the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary for effective communication and performance; fosters learning through vocal and dramatic performance techniques; and encourages a love of the literary and musical aspects of the genre. Examinations are conducted by trained external examiners and are held at approved centres in the UK and overseas.’
(Source LCM)

At Louise Benson School of Dance our pupils have the opportunity to take examinations once they can display the correct discipline and ability required for the level. Examinations are not compulsory but they are beneficial, gradually building strength, ability and confidence.

As a guide, it takes approximately 18 months to 2 years (in higher grades) to move from one level to the next. Attendance must be consistent when preparing for an exam, pupils will be offered extra classes in the weeks leading up to their exams to help them to achieve their full potential.

Pupils are assessed externally by visiting examiners or online. They receive a report and successful candidates are awarded a certificate and progress to the next grade.

Our teachers regularly attend training courses to update on new syllabi and exam requirements.

We are aware that for various reasons some pupils are unable to take examinations and these pupils are moved up to the next grade when appropriate.