Star of the Month Gallery
March 2024
Bella - For doing so well in Prizegiving!
February 2024
Millie - For being a super star in your Acro classes
January 2024
Ella - For all your energy and trying your best in class!
December 2023
Veronika - For knowing all your moves and working so hard in class!
November 2023
Penelope- For listening and concentrating in class! xxx
October 2023
Eleni - for working super hard in class and always pushing yourself
September 2023
Olivia - For working super hard in class and being very commited!
August 2023
Julieta - For being so enthusiastic in class and for all your great moves!
July 2023
Eliza - for always being so positive in class and trying your best!
June 2023
Jazmine - Your blossoming confidence and determination in class, is a joy to see!
May 2023
Darcey - For always pushing yourself and having confidence whilst being a lovely hardworking student x
April 2023
Mahi - You are listening and trying your hardest, well done! x
March 2023
Kitty - You tapped your little heart out and gained the higest exam result of the day, congratulations on all your hard work xx
February 2023
Charlotte - Super reliable class member with a great positive attitude who has improved so much!
January 2023
Amber - for being a superstar in acro and improving your technique in Ballet and Tap! x
February 2022
Chloe - For being so brave in singing and performing on your own! x
January 2022
Georgia - For working so hard in class! We are very proud of you
December 2021
Abigail - You are a superstar in class, you always remember the moves and are so happy! Congratulations
November 2021
Valentina - For being so enthusiastic and happy to dance! xx
October 2021
Amber - For always listening and doing your best!
September 2021
Evie - For being so wonderful, we will miss you x
August 2021
Ayla - For being so awesome in our summer workshops with your ever growing confidence!
July 2021
Anesu - We love your infectious positive attitude and you push yourself to take corrections and apply them straight away. Congratulations.
May 2021
Sofia - It has been a pleasure to see you improve every week, and that is all down to your hard work in and out of class. I am so impressed with your determination, it is all so worthwhile. Keep it up!
June 2021
Evelyn - I cannot believe the progression you have made in your class. You are determined and it shows in your work. Well done xx
April 2021
Orla - Your commitment to your classes is amazing and you have worked so hard this past year xx
March 2021
Pippa - Your confidence has grown so much and it is lovely to see the progressions you are making!
February 2021
Sophia - You have matured into a beautiful dancer and we think you are fabulous! xxx
January 2021
Ava - For always listening and doing your very best, which is brilliant!
December 2020
Cara - Your energy is brilliant and every time you dance we are amazed with your progress. Well done!
November 2020
Darcey - for being amazing in class and always knowing your moves!!!
October 2020
Elodie - for always smiling and enjoying your dancing!
September 2020
Lyla - for having the determination to work you hardest in your classes, your confidence has grown and your dancing has improved so much xxx
July 2020
Lily - You joined a new class over lockdown and you are showing great confidence and ability in real life with both of your classes! Well done xxx
June 2020
Millie - You were fabulous on zoom and now to see you in class working so hard is a joy to see!
May 2020
Seren - To see you each week in your online classes, working so hard and always joining in with our themes has been brilliant! Well done x
April 2020
Rebecca - For great focus in class, always listening to your corrections and we love seeing you try the moves until you get them!
March 2020
Lia - For working so hard towards your Tap and Modern exams and showing us how amazing you are!
February 2020
Freya - You bring so much energy and positivity into our classes. We can see your determination to improve and perfect your skills all whilst having a smile on your face!
January 2020
Victoria- For pushing yourself to try new and challenging moves in class
December 2019
George - you were brilliant in our prizegiving performance, we are thrilled with you!
November 2019
Emily - For working hard in class and always trying your best!
October - 2019
September - 2019
July 2019 - Lottie
June 2019 - Lucy
May 2019 - Matilda
April 2019 - Catherine
For her focus and enthusiasm in her classes, we love watching you perform!
March 2019 - Evie-May
For her commitment in class working towards her Tap and Modern exam. We are super proud of you Evie.
February 2019 - Thais
For being so persistent in class and pushing herself in her classes
January 2019 - Cici
Brilliant practising at home with your Tap and we have loved watching your confidence grow
December 2018 - Niamh
For a wonderful performance in our Prize-giving and for always working very hard in class
November 2018 - Gracie
For being so fabulous in class, so enthusiastic and full of energy, we can see how much Gracie loves to dance!!!
October 2018 - Melisa
She has worked so hard towards her ballet exam, gained a wonderful result and even more importantly, gained a huge amount of confidence. Well done Melisa
September 2018 - Matilda
Our little lovely Matilda listens brilliantly, has wonderful good toes and shows us each week how much she loves to dance
July 2018 - Olivia
For having a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm in our classes, she always works so hard and Olivia was a star at her first summer school
June 2018 - Bella
For her wonderful performance in our Summer Show. Her smile and enthusiasm shone through and we couldn't be any prouder.
May 2018 - Orla
For being such a good girl in class, listening beautifully, wonderful concentration and making sure she always dances her hardest.
April 2018 - Annie
Always has a beautiful smile and has worked so hard in her new classes!
March 2018 - Isabella
For her continued hard work and perseverance in Ballet and Modern. We are seeing such fabulous results!
February 2018 - Eliza
For being so enthusiastic in class every week, we have loved watching your confidence grow!
January 2018 - Isabel
For such hard work in her Ballet and Tap class. We have seen such a wonderful improvement and sparkly smiles!
December 2017 - Lottie
For working so hard in all of her classes and doing so well in ballet after moving up a grade. Beautiful work Lottie, we are very proud of you.
November 2017 - Lotte
For her brilliant enthusiasm and performance in class
October 2017 - Kate
A huge well done for conquering a relaxed performance in Tap
September 2017 - Lucy
Awarded for her fabulous dancing and concentration in class
July 2017 - Sezan
Your dedication in class and much improved performance
June 2017 - Chloe
Who has worked so hard for her ballet exam, increasing her confidence and improving her technique.
May 2017 - Layla
Awarded due to her positive attitude in class and the ability to always push herself to achieve that little bit extra.
April 2017 - Eden
For determination in class, her blossoming confidence, and being such a smiley and wiggly mini jazzer!!
March 2017 - Eva Connolly
In recognition for your hard work and practice for your Tap exam.